Imagine this: You wake up feeling tired every day, no matter how much sleep you’ve had. You push yourself through each day, feeling like your eyes are so heavy that you can hardly keep them open.
Maybe every task feels like you’re climbing a mountain, or your arms, legs, and body just feel so heavy that it’s like wading through mud…
What about your mind? Is it it so foggy that you struggle with even simple tasks, like remembering where you put your keys?
Or maybe you feel so sluggish that exercising seems like a chore, and you just can’t find the motivation to do it. Is this how you’re feeling?
Do you have to imagine this, or is this how you feel each day?
If you’re reading this, chances are it’s exactly how you feel.
And if so, you’re not alone.
Many of my clients come to me feeling the same way, with symptoms like overwhelm, constant exhaustion, and the idea of exercise feeling like an impossible task.
If this sounds like you, it could be your Thyroid.
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck, responsible for many of your body’s activities, including energy levels and metabolism.
Signs of a Sluggish Thyroid
- Feel tired and sluggish
- Digestive issues such as constipation and bloating
- Struggling to lose weight despite exercising and eating well
- Mood changes like anxiety and depression or low moods
- Sensitivity to temperature
- Hormonal changes like heavy periods with clots
- Hair falling out in handfuls and weak nails
These are all subtle but powerful signs that your thyroid might need extra care and attention.
Clients often come to me saying, “I’ve had the blood test done, and there’s nothing wrong with my thyroid.”
Yet, when we take a closer look, I often find that their thyroid needs support.
I’ve experienced this myself—my blood pathology results were within the normal range, and yet I had a thyroid tumour and an autoimmune thyroid disease.
You see, standard blood tests aren’t always specific enough, especially in the early stages.
While these tests are excellent at detecting more advanced conditions, when issues are just starting to become unbalanced, you might still fall within the “normal” range.
That’s why it’s important to look beyond the pathology results.
Most of my clients come to me with normal test results, yet they’re experiencing symptoms that can be addressed early on and prevent future disease…
In many cases, when their results come back normal, they’re told, “Oh, it’s just your age,” or “You’re tired because you’re getting older,” or “You’re gaining weight because you’re at that stage of life.” Sometimes, they’re even told, “Your low mood or anxiety is all in your head.”
But these symptoms are very real, and they’re not something you should not just accept…
You deserve to feel good.
It’s not just in your head, and you don’t have to settle for feeling fatigued, gaining weight, or having low moods as you age.
In fact, no matter what your age, these symptoms shouldn’t be considered normal. It could be that your thyroid is struggling and needs a little extra care and attention.
How to take care of your Thyroid
Let’s explore how you can give your Thyroid the love and support it needs.
1. Focus on Nutrients
The Thyroid is a sensitive gland, especially when it comes to nutrition. Key nutrients like Iodine and Selenium are crucial, yet many of my clients are low in these.
This is often because Selenium isn’t abundant in our soil, and we may not be consuming enough Iodine-rich foods.
Supporting your Thyroid starts with focusing on specific foods or supplements that provide these essential nutrients. In addition to Iodine and Selenium, the thyroid also requires Zinc and Tyrosine, and many people may not be getting enough of these either.
2. Manage Your Stress
If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ve likely heard me talk about the adrenal glands and their role in maintaining energy levels. The thyroid and adrenals, which are responsible for managing stress, are closely linked.
When you’re under chronic stress, the thyroid often has to take on more work.
If this stress becomes unmanageable, it can place a heavy burden on the thyroid, making it difficult for it to function properly.
So, managing stress is a vital step in giving your thyroid the support it needs.
3. Minimise Toxin Exposure
Another area to consider is toxins.
The thyroid gland is sensitive to toxins, particularly those from radiation.
With our increased exposure to mobile phones, Wi-Fi, microwaves, and environmental toxins like chlorine and fluoride, our thyroid can easily become overwhelmed, especially if it’s already nutrient deficient.
Drinking filtered water and reducing exposure to harmful substances like mobile phone radiation can help minimise this toxic load.
4. Consider Medicinal Herbs (with Professional Guidance)
Finally, for those who need it, I sometimes recommend medicinal herbs to further support the thyroid.
Herbs like Withania (also known as Ashwagandha), Coleus, Bladderwrack, and Rehmannia can be very helpful.
However, it’s important to seek personalised advice to determine which herb is best for you, as everyone’s situation is unique.
What I want to emphasise is that you don’t need to suffer in silence
You don’t have to accept symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, or low moods as just a part of life or ageing. Life is too short not to feel your best and live vibrantly!!
If any of these symptoms resonate with you, I’d love to offer you a free download: a thyroid symptom checklist. This can help you identify if your thyroid might be affecting your well-being, and it’s a great first step in addressing the root cause of your symptoms.
Download my thyroid symptom checklist today.
I’m here to support you on your journey to uncover why you’re feeling fatigued or gaining weight.
Don’t settle for these symptoms as normal—let’s work together to help you feel your best!!!
Ready to kick start Gut Health? Book a Call!
This is how gut microbes can influence weight!
Probiotics can help you gain weight or lose weight by interacting with our genetics, food and metabolism.
And yes, I did say lose or gain weight……..
Firstly, let me explain that the trillions of microbes in the gut need to be varied, meaning that there should be a large variety of species. There are many different species (or breeds) of microbes, and they all have their place in aiding health — the more variety and balance, the better health results.
Back to the weight loss or weight gain issue….
Do you eat yogurt and berries for breakfast? Thinking that it’s helping you lose weight?
Well, Lactobacillus acidophilus (like the species found in yoghurt) has been connected to weight gain.
I am not saying throw your yoghurt and berries in the bin. Instead, I am suggesting looking at the overall picture. If Lactobacillus acidophilus is the predominant micro-organism of the gut, then weight gain can result.
It is about the variety of species of gut microbes. Imagine if we only have trained german shepherd guard dogs in the world. It may be a safe world, but I am sure that other breeds may be more suitable as a family pet.
While Lactobacillus acidophilus is associated with weight gain, other Lactobacillus species correlate with weight loss.
Species like Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus gasseri, and Bifidobacteria animalis have been found to support weight loss.
Want to lose weight?
Look at your gut flora to support your goal.
Tests can be performed to identify the predominant species of the gut, and specific species can be utilised to support weight changes.
Want more information about your gut health?
Or want to look at all the factors contributing to weight gain, I’d love to be able to help.