Hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid is another factor that can contribute to weight gain!
It’s estimated that 1 in 33 Australians suffer from an underactive thyroid. It is also suggested that this figure can be higher as there are many undiagnosed subclinical hypothyroidism.
The thyroid gland is in charge of your metabolism. It is like the revs on a car. The more revs – the more fuel is consumed. The metabolism controls how quickly we burn (metabolise) the calories we consume.
When the thyroid is sluggish, we tend to put on weight, feel tired and sluggish, and sensitivity to the cold.
Start with AWARENESS: Download our FREE Checklist to assess underactive thyroid symptoms.
Could your thyroid be imbalanced?
Living with Underactive thyroid can be exhausting…
Thorough investigations into thyroid function is essential.
In my first pregnancy, my TSH was on the high side of normal according to blood tests, yet I could hardly stay awake each day.
I was told my symptoms were just due to the pregnancy.
It was only after my pregnancy when I did more investigations that I found I had Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (autoimmune underactive thyroid).
Thankfully, now I no longer suffer that tiredness and can enjoy each day with energy!
And now, the same transformation can be yours, you too can break free