In the clinic, I see a rise in clients coming in with anxiety and depression. It is not just in my clinic but worldwide increases are occurring.
From my experience, women are struggling with the load of everyday tasks – from domestic duties, raising children, relationship demands, social activities, after-school activities and work challenges. Women are feeling overwhelmed and anxious with the load.
Many women come to me with the diagnosis of anxiety and depression and look for ways to take control of their life again.
And I like to investigate why this could be happening?
Yes, there are a lot of demands in our life, a lot of extra challenges, especially over the last few years. But have you ever heard the phrase, you are what you eat? That phrase is very true in the fact that whatever you eat, gets digested and eventually forms part of your celullar structure and creates a new you.
But let’s take that one step further……
What you eat influences your moods.
What you are eating can dictate your moods, anxiety, depression, and how you are feeling each day.
Mental health issues can be related to what we eat. And the reason is that neurotransmitters or brain chemicals are manufactured from the nutrients in foods, especially amino acids, as well as vitamin B, zinc, and magnesium.
Phytochemicals in the food can contribute to moods as well. But first, let’s look at how nutrients play a role in mood.
- Serotonin is a neurotransmitter related to mood, appetite, and control over eating. This neurotransmitter is manufactured from tryptophan, and tryptophan comes from various foods, including oats, bananas, chicken, chocolate and cheese. So we need these foods in our diet to help the body create serotonin levels. That helps with our moods and helps with our appetite control.
- Adrenaline, Dopamine and Noradrenaline are part of the catecholamine neurotransmitter group. Adrenaline triggers a stress response in the body, which is needed to get us out of threatening situations. Dopamine is involved in mood, motivation and memory. Noradrenaline is concerned with waking and sleep.
This group uses an amino acid called Tyrosine in its production. Tyrosine food sources include cheese, chicken, fish, eggs, beans, beef and soy. And so we can create this group of compounds by indulging in these foods in our diet and having them regularly.
- Acetylcholine is made from a compound called choline. This nutrient is present in eggs, shiitake mushrooms, organ meats and fish. This neurotransmitter is involved with the parasympathetic nervous system, involved with memory, learning, digestion, and REM sleep.
Ensuring you have a balanced nutritional eating plan will help support your neurotransmitter production and therefore, your mood.
Studies, like the one at Deaking University by Jacka, show that people who eat a healthy diet based on fruits and vegetables with fish, whole grains and a reduced amount of red meat have a lower risk of anxiety and depression.
Other research studies show that Mediterranean and Japanese diets, full of salad, fruits and vegetables, fish, and good fats, have a 50% decrease incidence of anxiety and depression. That’s significant!
Unhealthy diets full of processed sugar, additives and preservatives destroy the balance in gut flora and increase the risk of mood disorders. Additionally, these processed foods increase cortisol levels (stress hormone) and create a state of stress.
The typical western diet with fast foods, unhealthy fats, fried foods, and pastries increases inflammation in the body. Inflammation of the brain can result in poor functioning of the brain, over-reactiveness of moods, and even shrinking of the brain.
As well as providing vital nutrients for the production of neurotransmitters, healthy eating promotes the health of beneficial gut flora (probiotics). These probiotic bacteria manufacture up to 95% of our serotonin and communicate with our genes. As a result, they can help with mood and appetite control and contribute to an overall calmer feeling.
So it’s all about a healthy diet for less anxiety and a calmer, more joyful life.
But if you are struggling and think eating healthy is hard, start with something simple. Start with just increasing one serving of a salad, fruit or vegetables per day, then increase the amount each week until your plate is between half and two-thirds of salad or vegetables. Complement the salad and vegetables with beans, legumes, whole-grains or psuedo-grains, fish, chicken or meat.
This eating plan will help to balance moods and provide the nutrients to manufacture vital calming neurotransmitters. Research shows that healthy eating can reduce anxiety and depression.
Of course, also addressing the triggers for anxiety and depression is important.
Using my training as a Naturopath, Biochemist, Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner, and Hypnotherapist, I am able to help with nutrition and healthy eating but also can support my clients with the triggers and strategies for optimal mental health.
Click here to schedule a complimentary 15-Clarity Call with me.
Ready to kick start Gut Health? Book a Call!
This is how gut microbes can influence weight!
Probiotics can help you gain weight or lose weight by interacting with our genetics, food and metabolism.
And yes, I did say lose or gain weight……..
Firstly, let me explain that the trillions of microbes in the gut need to be varied, meaning that there should be a large variety of species. There are many different species (or breeds) of microbes, and they all have their place in aiding health — the more variety and balance, the better health results.
Back to the weight loss or weight gain issue….
Do you eat yogurt and berries for breakfast? Thinking that it’s helping you lose weight?
Well, Lactobacillus acidophilus (like the species found in yoghurt) has been connected to weight gain.
I am not saying throw your yoghurt and berries in the bin. Instead, I am suggesting looking at the overall picture. If Lactobacillus acidophilus is the predominant micro-organism of the gut, then weight gain can result.
It is about the variety of species of gut microbes. Imagine if we only have trained german shepherd guard dogs in the world. It may be a safe world, but I am sure that other breeds may be more suitable as a family pet.
While Lactobacillus acidophilus is associated with weight gain, other Lactobacillus species correlate with weight loss.
Species like Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus gasseri, and Bifidobacteria animalis have been found to support weight loss.
Want to lose weight?
Look at your gut flora to support your goal.
Tests can be performed to identify the predominant species of the gut, and specific species can be utilised to support weight changes.
Want more information about your gut health?
Or want to look at all the factors contributing to weight gain, I’d love to be able to help.
Click here to book your appointment!