Let’s discuss something today that’s probably close to many people’s hearts – libido.
Are you a busy woman juggling a thousand things at once, from work to family to household and social obligations? Do you feel overwhelmed, stressed and utterly exhausted, with no time left for yourself, let alone your relationship?
If so, you are not alone…..
Many clients come to me and talk about how their libido is waning. Women, as they get older, have many tasks and obligations in their lives, and their libido is not like it used to be.
I’m also seeing on social media women asking other women what to do about their libido.
It’s almost like we’re all looking for a magic bullet, this magic one thing that’s going to turn the libido back on again.
Well, I’d like to discuss the causes of waning libido.
Low libido is a symptom of other issues, and it is about unravelling the causes or triggers.
As a naturopath, clients initially come to me feeling tired and run down. They don’t know how to cope with it every day.
“My to-do task list is so big, I don’t know how to cope.”
“So many things to do around the house, and to look after the kids and work.”
“I’m putting on weight. I don’t feel good about myself.”
“I don’t feel supported. And my libido’s low.”
You see, libido is just a part of the bigger picture.
So, if you’re looking at regaining or reclaiming your libido, let’s look at everything that’s going on.
Three or more generations ago, women were stay-at-home mums – looking after the house and kids. That was their primary role.
Today, women wear so many hats, and they’re spreading themselves so thin that they feel worn out.
Today, women work, either full-time or part-time, taking care of kids, looking after domestic duties, tending to extended family, keeping up social activities, and more all at the same time.
They feel tired.
They feel run down.
They feel that they are not supported or appreciated for their large daily workload.
They feel like this is their life and wish for a change.
And I find this so often: due to being there for everyone else, they find their own love cup empty.
So, what can you do to help support your libido if you’re feeling this way?
It’s about looking at the causes that deplete your libido.
1. Chronic Stress
Feeling overwhelmed and stressed can have a profound effect on your libido.
If you’re constantly juggling multiple responsibilities and feeling like you are being pulled in a million different directions, it’s natural for your desire for intimacy to wane.
When constantly pushing yourself through the day, your reserve energy tanks are left empty at the end of the day. How can you be expected to feel sexy at night…
Solutions come after identifying the triggers of your stress and overwhelm. Managing the triggers and finding options is the key I use to help my clients reduce the impact of stress and retake control of their lives.
2. Hormone Imbalance
Hormone imbalance that produces irregular cycles, heavy painful periods, PMS symptoms or weight gain can impact on your desire.
Even hormonal fluctuations and changes like during peri-menopause or menopause stages can deplete the libido.
No matter what stage of your life cycle – your hormone balance is crucial to a healthy libido.
As part of my role as a naturopathic practitioner, I work with clients to unveil their hormone status. Any imbalances need to be addressed to help support healthy libido.
3. Nutritional Deficiencies
Could there be a nutritional deficiency that depletes energy levels?
Nutrients like B vitamins, Iron, Magnesium and Zinc are important to hep support optimal energy.
Deficiencies in any vital nutrient may stifle your energy production and cause fatigue.
These nutrients are also vital in aiding stress response.
So often, I find women racing through each day and either eating on the run or not nourishing themselves correctly as they put everyone else first.
4. Lack of Time for Self
Many times, I work with clients who feel overwhelmed, depleted and generally unsupported.
I ask those women about their day, and they provide an extensive list of all the tasks they complete each day.
Then I ask, “What hobbies or interests do you have?”
And they look at me in shock and reply – “I don’t have time for myself, I don’t have time to sit. I don’t have time for my own hobbies because I’m doing everything else for everyone else.”
Let’s face it, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, feeling stressed and running through all of your jobs every day, you hardly even have time to sit down and relax, then how are you then going to feel sexy and and turned on at night?
It is important to have time to stop and recharge yourself. By prioritising self-care, hobbies and self-interests, you begin to restore energy and balance in your life. Leading to feeling more passionate and energised throughout the day.
By addressing these areas, we can help you feel better
And when you’re feeling better, your libido starts to rise
The great news is that you can break free from this cycle of stress, low energy and low libido.
By addressing the triggers of low libido, you can restore your balance and passion. Look beyond the symptom and stigma of low libido and look towards the bigger picture solutions.
Ready to kick start Gut Health? Book a Call!
This is how gut microbes can influence weight!
Probiotics can help you gain weight or lose weight by interacting with our genetics, food and metabolism.
And yes, I did say lose or gain weight……..
Firstly, let me explain that the trillions of microbes in the gut need to be varied, meaning that there should be a large variety of species. There are many different species (or breeds) of microbes, and they all have their place in aiding health — the more variety and balance, the better health results.
Back to the weight loss or weight gain issue….
Do you eat yogurt and berries for breakfast? Thinking that it’s helping you lose weight?
Well, Lactobacillus acidophilus (like the species found in yoghurt) has been connected to weight gain.
I am not saying throw your yoghurt and berries in the bin. Instead, I am suggesting looking at the overall picture. If Lactobacillus acidophilus is the predominant micro-organism of the gut, then weight gain can result.
It is about the variety of species of gut microbes. Imagine if we only have trained german shepherd guard dogs in the world. It may be a safe world, but I am sure that other breeds may be more suitable as a family pet.
While Lactobacillus acidophilus is associated with weight gain, other Lactobacillus species correlate with weight loss.
Species like Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus gasseri, and Bifidobacteria animalis have been found to support weight loss.
Want to lose weight?
Look at your gut flora to support your goal.
Tests can be performed to identify the predominant species of the gut, and specific species can be utilised to support weight changes.
Want more information about your gut health?
Or want to look at all the factors contributing to weight gain, I’d love to be able to help.