Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten why you’re there? Are you worried about forgetting things that you used to remember?
You see, I find that it’s common for many of my clients to comment that they forget where they’ve put things.
Do you experience this?
Many clients come to me concerned about their memory.
“I think I’m going down the road of dementia. I’ve hidden my kids’ presents and forgotten where I put them.”
“I had these important documents and didn’t want to lose them, but now I can’t remember where I placed them.”
“I walk into a room, forget why I’m there. I have to walk back out and retrace all my steps just to do that task again.”…………
Can you relate?
Well, if you’re a busy mum with a lot going on in your mind, sometimes this chronic stress and workload is what is impacting your memory.
It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re heading towards dementia.
Dementia is a mental condition that is on the rise. As with many chronic diseases, prevention is best. This is where Naturopathy shines.
But before you think the worst and think you have dementia. Let’s explore what you can do to help prevent these forgetful episodes from occurring.
You are not the only suffering from forgetful episodes.
Trust me, you are not alone.
I once hid a child’s birthday present. I was really busy and overwhelmed at the time and wasn’t in the present moment. I was thinking of the never-ending To-Do list I had. I hid the present so well that I didn’t find it again until 1 month after their birthday. 😊
Chronic stress triggers the release of cortisol. In acute situations, cortisol is effective at helping run away from danger. In chronic states, cortisol impacts your brain’s delicate balance of neurotransmitters.
Neurotransmitters, like Dopamine, GABA and Serotonin, have various roles in the brain but are also involved in memory, mood, and concentration.
If cortisol affects the balance of Neurotransmitters, it can leave you more irritable and forgetful, unable to concentrate, and suffering a ‘foggy brain’.
Do any of these symptoms ring a bell for you?
There is ample research showing that chronic stress leads to shrinkage of the brain tissue (which is quite concerning!).
It relates back to forgetting things.
But don’t despair. It’s more about looking at what you can do for your brain health.
While chronic stress can reduce brain size and mass, there are numerous things that can help increase brain health.
The brain is neuroplastic, meaning it can adapt, rewire, and create new neural connections.
We can rewire and support our brain health!!
1. Manage Stress
If chronic stress is impacting your brain health and causing forgetfulness, let’s find ways to manage stress and decrease its impact on your life.
What are some avenues you can explore to reduce stress? It could be through yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.
2. Maintain a Healthy Diet
Consume a nutritious diet abundant in brain-friendly nutrients.
- Omega fatty acids are excellent for brain connectivity.
- Antioxidant nutrients support the brain and reduce damage caused by the modern world.
- Vitamins B, E and the mineral Zinc are vital as they promote neurotransmitter activity in the brain.
- Choline, found in many foods, including egg yolk, is necessary for forming nerve cell membranes.
3. Exercise Regularly
Engage in activities you love. Whether it’s walking, team sports, or yoga, choose something you enjoy.
Not only does it reduce stress, but it also boosts circulation, benefiting brain health and reducing inflammation over time.
4. Opt for Medicinal Herbs
In my clinic, I frequently utilise herbs like Ginkgo, Gotu Kola, Brahmi, and Lion’s Mane to help support cognition, recall, memory, and concentration.
If you’re considering medicinal herbs, seek advice from a qualified professional to understand what’s best for you and how to use them.
5. Learn Something New Regularly
Challenge your brain by learning new things. For example, if you usually brush your teeth with your right hand, try using your left hand. Your brain will create new pathways to adapt to this change.
Other activities can include solving puzzles, learning a new language, taking up a new sport. Your brain forms new pathways whenever you engage in a new activity.
So, take some time for yourself. Enjoy a self-care moment and learn a new skill because your brain will thank you for it.
6. Enjoy a Regular Hobby
Pursue activities you’re passionate about. Immersing yourself in a hobby can help alleviate life’s stresses.
Make time regularly for yourself to enjoy these hobbies.
So that’s it. These are my six tips to support your brain health. Make these changes a long-term lifestyle habit rather than a one-time effort.
If you’re concerned about your mental space—forgetfulness, difficulty recalling names or finding items—I’m here to help you.
Ready to kick start Gut Health? Book a Call!
This is how gut microbes can influence weight!
Probiotics can help you gain weight or lose weight by interacting with our genetics, food and metabolism.
And yes, I did say lose or gain weight……..
Firstly, let me explain that the trillions of microbes in the gut need to be varied, meaning that there should be a large variety of species. There are many different species (or breeds) of microbes, and they all have their place in aiding health — the more variety and balance, the better health results.
Back to the weight loss or weight gain issue….
Do you eat yogurt and berries for breakfast? Thinking that it’s helping you lose weight?
Well, Lactobacillus acidophilus (like the species found in yoghurt) has been connected to weight gain.
I am not saying throw your yoghurt and berries in the bin. Instead, I am suggesting looking at the overall picture. If Lactobacillus acidophilus is the predominant micro-organism of the gut, then weight gain can result.
It is about the variety of species of gut microbes. Imagine if we only have trained german shepherd guard dogs in the world. It may be a safe world, but I am sure that other breeds may be more suitable as a family pet.
While Lactobacillus acidophilus is associated with weight gain, other Lactobacillus species correlate with weight loss.
Species like Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus gasseri, and Bifidobacteria animalis have been found to support weight loss.
Want to lose weight?
Look at your gut flora to support your goal.
Tests can be performed to identify the predominant species of the gut, and specific species can be utilised to support weight changes.
Want more information about your gut health?
Or want to look at all the factors contributing to weight gain, I’d love to be able to help.