Do you find that you go to sleep at night and your legs just start moving?
Does it feel like you can’t keep them still you have to move them to be able to get them to feel some kind of relief?
It could be Restless Leg Syndrome.
Restless leg syndrome is a phenomenon where you get that uncontrollable urge to move your legs. It can feel like your legs are uncomfortable and that there’s just a sensation in them that can include crawling, throbbing, aching, and some sufferers say that their legs feel on fire.
What causes it?
Various reasons trigger Restless Legs. Once you address the trigger, you can reduce the effect or the incidence of symptoms.
Nutritional Deficiencies
Magnesium and Calcium are nutrients that are very important for your bones and muscles. Magnesium helps the muscles to relax, while Calcium helps the muscles to contract. If there’s an imbalance between calcium and magnesium, it can contribute to the muscles in the legs being jumpy, twitchy, and unable to relax.
Iron deficiency can contribute to restless legs because there is not enough oxygen travelling through the blood to the muscles of the legs.
Get a Nutritional Status test performed to assess your nutritional levels. Find an experienced health professional to help identify your nutritional status.
Side-effect of your medications?
Many medications can have side-effects. Anti-nausea medication side-effects can contribute to restless legs. Anti-depressants that influence your serotonin levels can displace dopamine and, as a side effect, can cause restless legs.
Speak to your doctor or pharmacist about possible side-effects of your medications and possible alternatives for you.
Unhealthy Lifestyle
Lifestyle factors that can contribute to restless legs include the big three: Alcohol, Nicotine, and Caffeine. Smoking reduces blood flow and circulation. Alcohol inhibits the absorption of iron.
Caffeine is a nerve irritant and depletes vital nutrients such as magnesium.
Stress triggers a cortisol response. This stress hormone has a relationship with Neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) which can contribute to the restless legs.
If you’ve got a lot of stress in your life, anger, anxiety, then look for help to manage these.
Herbs may be beneficial to help relax muscles. Herbs with a traditional reputation for relaxing and helping with stress include passionflower, hops, skullcap, oats. Find the best combination for you by seeking advice from a health professional.
By identifying what causes your restless legs and doing something about it, will not only reduce the symptoms of your restless legs, but can help your energy levels due to better quality sleep.
Have a fabulous day