Do you suffer recurrent mouth ulcers that are painful and debilitating?
The pain can impact your moods and prevent you from eating. Mouth ulcers can also be known as oral canker sores. They are painful lesions inside the mouth on the inside of the cheeks, gums or tongue.
Most mouth ulcers heal within a week. However, they can occur due to accidentally biting the inside of your cheek or dental work. They are a one-off and recover quickly. But if you, your family members, or loved ones suffer from recurrent mouth ulcers, there could be another reason for the recurrent mouth ulcers…..
It could be a sign of an IMBALANCE in your body.
Let’s discuss 5 causes of recurrent mouth ulcers:
1. Nutritional Deficiencies
Whenever clients come to see me, I look at their nutrition, how optimal their health is, and their nutritional deficiencies. For example, vitamin B, particularly B1, B6, folic acid, B12, and Vitamin C, and minerals such as Zinc and Iron can contribute to recurrent mouth ulcers.
Checking for optimal nutrition is essential for any illness but can be a trigger for the recurrence of mouth ulcers.
2. Change in the flora of the mouth
Just as the intestines have probiotics and flora to support health, so does the mouth. The mouth contains micro-organisms to preserve the health of the mucous membranes of the mouth, support digestion and communicate with our immune system.
If there is an imbalance in the oral flora, then it could result in recurrent mouth ulcers.
Changes in the flora of the mouth can also be an indicator of dysbiosis of the gut. Addressing flora of the digestive system can support health and reduce the incidence of mouth ulcers.
3. Food Intolerances
Food intolerances can create inflammation in the body and lead to immune reactivity in the mucous membranes. Food intolerances may not be obvious immendiately and require investigation and/or testing to uncover.
One client I worked with who suffered from recurrent mouth ulcers was intolerant to nuts, which triggered her. However, once we removed the food, the mouth ulcers diminished.
Gluten is another offending food that has been linked to recurrent mouth ulcers. But I suggest investigating the intolerances for you as they vary between people.
4. Toothpaste
Many kinds of toothpaste can contain an ingredient called Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS for short). This compound is derived from Palm oil and petroleum products, is known to be toxic to the liver, can irritate the skin and has been linked to increased mouth ulcers in some individuals.
Looking for toothpaste (and other personal care products) without SLS is vital for overall health, especially if you suffer from recurrent mouth ulcers.
5. Autoimmune Disease
Recurrent mouth ulcers may indicate an autoimmune illness that hasn’t yet been diagnosed or an autoimmune disease that isn’t adequately being treated. Autoimmune diseases, like ulcerative colitis and celiac disease, could be two examples.
If you suffer recurrent mouth ulcers, an overall investigation is vital to uncover the causes. In addition, if you already have an autoimmune disease, then taking action to help support your immune system is recommended.
It’s always good to look at the reasons why you might be getting mouth ulcers. And it’s not to say that you have all of them. It could just be one.
If you’re suffering from mouth ulcers, here are the following remedies that can help to eradicate them;
- Salt water gargles
- Licorice or aloe vera poultice
- Sage tea
- Propolis lozenges
- Manuka honey
But they’re all sort of band-aids, and they’re after the mouth ulcer has erupted. The important thing: if you’re getting recurrent mouth ulcers, it is always good to have a look at what’s triggering the recurrence because it is an indication that there’s an imbalance in what’s going on in your body.
If you’re suffering from recurrent mouth ulcers and looking for some solutions, investigate and find out what the cause is for you.
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This is how gut microbes can influence weight!
Probiotics can help you gain weight or lose weight by interacting with our genetics, food and metabolism.
And yes, I did say lose or gain weight……..
Firstly, let me explain that the trillions of microbes in the gut need to be varied, meaning that there should be a large variety of species. There are many different species (or breeds) of microbes, and they all have their place in aiding health — the more variety and balance, the better health results.
Back to the weight loss or weight gain issue….
Do you eat yogurt and berries for breakfast? Thinking that it’s helping you lose weight?
Well, Lactobacillus acidophilus (like the species found in yoghurt) has been connected to weight gain.
I am not saying throw your yoghurt and berries in the bin. Instead, I am suggesting looking at the overall picture. If Lactobacillus acidophilus is the predominant micro-organism of the gut, then weight gain can result.
It is about the variety of species of gut microbes. Imagine if we only have trained german shepherd guard dogs in the world. It may be a safe world, but I am sure that other breeds may be more suitable as a family pet.
While Lactobacillus acidophilus is associated with weight gain, other Lactobacillus species correlate with weight loss.
Species like Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus gasseri, and Bifidobacteria animalis have been found to support weight loss.
Want to lose weight?
Look at your gut flora to support your goal.
Tests can be performed to identify the predominant species of the gut, and specific species can be utilised to support weight changes.
Want more information about your gut health?
Or want to look at all the factors contributing to weight gain, I’d love to be able to help.
Click here to book your appointment!